An SR-22 Insurance explained by Economica Insurance.


An SR-22 is a certificate you can add to an Insurance policy. Let’s not make it complicated.Our Auto Insurance Brokerage can help you find affordable Insurance coverage with an SR-22 certificate to help you get your Driver’s License reinstated.

What You Need To Know.

  • An SR22 is a Certificate of Financial Responsibility that varies from state to state. Its a form filed through your insurance company to fulfill minimum state liability (financial responsibility) requirements. Economica Insurance can help you with understanding how an SR-22 can help you reinstate your Driving privilages.

  • If you need an SR22, you most likely ran into some of these issues. Economica Insurance has helped many drivers reinstate their driving privileges by obtaining an SR-22. Listed below are a couple reasons why you need an SR-22.

    • DUI or DWI offenses.

    • Other major moving violations like reckless driving.

    • Several traffic infractions in a short period of time.

    • Being found at-fault in an accident while driving uninsured.

    • Driving with a suspended or revoked license.

    The state requires you to provide liability insurance for a period of time Economica Insurance can help you buy affordable insurance with an SR-22.

  • The state requires you to hold Financial Responsibility (SR22) for a period of time. It is all connected to your violations. The period can range from 1 to 5 years. Economica Insurance encourages you keep your SR-22 till you’ve asked mandatory action(DMV) how long you need to hold an SR-22 certificate on your insurance policy.

  • Financial Responsibility also known as liability insurance is a requirement by the state. Economica Insurance offers affordable liability insurance with the following limits.

    The limits of liability vary by state. Here is an example of the state of California..

    * Bodily Injury (Per Person) 15,0000

    * Bodily Injury (Per Accident) 30,000

    * Property Damage 5,000

    An SR-22 is a certificate that notifies the DMV that you have proof of Financial Responsibility. The SR-22 notifies the DMV that you have active liability insurance with the limits listed above.

  • An SR22 is a form you attach to insurance policy. You can not purchase an SR22 individually. You have to either buy an insurance policy with an SR22 attached or add it to your current policy. You must have the state minimum of liability. If you have questions about an SR-22 and how you can reinstate your driving privileges you can call Economica Insurance and we give you information where you can reinstate your driving privileges.

    When adding an SR22 to your insurance policy most likely your driving record is not the best. It might be scary to see these rates. Don’t worry, you have options.

    A recommended option is to talk to an insurance broker like Economica Insurance. They work with multiple insurance carriers that can offer you a reasonable rate.

    You might have an active Insurance policy. Economica Insurance recommends you quote with multiple insurance carriers to find the lowest auto insurance with an SR-22.



